Construction disputes or possible litigation are too serious to be left in the hands of marginal representation. We look forward to supporting you and your clients’ interests.
- Over 45 years of experience in development, specification and installation of a wide variety of protective and decorative finish surfacing systems.
- Peerless pedigree earned by work on millions of square feet around the world.
- Important and invaluable experience with information for your specific need.
- Knowledge and critical skills necessary to provide the best opportunity to achieve desired results.
- Courtesy pre-case interview.
- Expert witness consulting services
- Related capabilities in commercial construction surfacing, flooring, coatings and linings.
- Uniquely qualified in analytical and investigative reporting.
- Expert consulting for highly articulate testimonial functions.
- Closely affiliated with specialized laboratories for testing diagnostic-forensic requirements.
- Retention of Professional engineers as part of reporting services.
- Leading edge value/cost estimating engineering service and data.
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Web design: Twenty-First. Century Studios